Saturday, September 26, 2009

womens show day 2

Friday I worked at the women's show for 2 shifts. One from 4 to 8, the other 7:30 to 11. Yes the shifts over lapped and i finished one and went to the other. This day was way more exciting and active than the previous day. My first shift was greeter/information/Bag-hander-outer. I was at the enterence after admissions with 2 other women. One's name was Gracie and it turned out we had had some classestogether before. The other woman (I didnt catch her name) was very fun.I had a blast with them and it got so busy. we were giving out pre-stuffed bags, maps of the women's show, and a protein shake. I can't remember what it was called but it tasted very similar to slim fast only not as thick. We also answered questions. The most popular one was "where do I pick up my race number and tee-shirt?" to which I would reply "Okay you are going to go down this hall then take a left up ahead. Down that hallway you will take another left. You will be in the Hall of Fame. Find your name on the lists of paper fixed to the wall. It will tell you your race number. You will then proceed into the room on your right. You can pick up your race number in there. From there you will go down a narrow hall on the side of that room which will shoot you into a large room full of vendors. Go to the very back on the right. There will be a room next to the events stage. That is where you will pick up your tee-shirt." Over time that speal evolved into "Follow the huge signs on the ceiling and you'll find it."
Gracie and I observed that men were reluctant to take our bags. It said "women's show" all over it. They always said something like "it's for my daughter" or "it's for my wife" they would eye the bag and shake their headds kind of nervously and scuttle away. They eagerly took the protein shakes though. Protein! Guys drink protein! Protein = muscle! Yeah that drink is okay for men! Oh gosh. They can be so insecure sometimes.
That shift went very quickly. People brought us things to eat like the snickers energy bars, string cheese and chocolate milk. I love the people that work this event. They are so thoughtful and take care of their volunteers.
The second shift dealt with recycling. After the event was over my new group and I went around and collected all the yellow recycling bins. We recycled the recycleable stuff and washed the bins stacked them and what not. We also collected all the boxes around from different vendors and recycled those. One vendor left a very nice 5 shelve bookcase there. Its black and wooden and so we out it outside the Boise Center and stuck a sign on it labled free. I hope someone takes it. That would be such a waste to let it go to the dump.
We finished in record time. I was scheduled until 11pm but we finished around 9. There were lots of lovely high fives. Over all, I had a blast.

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