Saturday, September 26, 2009

Race Day

My alarm was set for 5:15 and I remember turning my alarm off. I must have fallen back asleep but I though I was up. I drempt I was getting ready to go. My mom woke me up and told me I slept through my alarm. It was 5:45. I threw on several layers of clothes and got dropped off at Ann Morrision park. I made it there by 6 so I was on time. I checked in with a very nice woman that was coordinating the womens show the night before. She remembered me and I was very surprised because there are a ton of volunteers there. It was still very dark and they had huge lights illuminating the walkways in the park. A large group of us stumbled to a tent. We were explained how it was to be set up and we hopped to it. We opened up boxes of apples. Next to that we opened boxes of Snicker's energy bars. Next to that was pen obxes of string cheese. Next to that were trash bags of bagels and finally cookies. The racers would proceed down a line and take what they wanted and add it to their bag.
The set up only took and hour and the sun had just begun to rise when we finished. I didn't know what to do. We finished at 7 but I was scheduled until 9 but that didn't make sense because the race started at 8ish and no one would finish before 9. They also had people start their breakfast serving shift at 7 and That didn't make sense either. Anyways I was freezing and my feet were soaked and numb from the wet grass. I was looking for something to do and saw a guy I had worked with the night before and he was stacking apples on top of the apples in the open box on the tables. He told me the director came by and told him he wanted as much on the table as possible and to do that. I asked if I should do that at the other tables and he said that would be great. So I went to my corner and grabbed a box of apples and took it to the table. There wasnt room on the table for the box so I set on the ground. I started opening it and this woman came over and told me I couldn't leave food on the ground. I know. I explained to her what I was told to do and she was very rude and condesending and yelled at me for doing what I was told to do and being over-efficient. Its really sad that there are one of those people in every group. I was pissed and had to get away from that fun sucker and went back to the check in table and had the nice lady from the night before sign my sheet. I told her what happened and she apoligized. I felt bad. It wasn't her fault that there was a mean volunteer. SHe asked how many more hours I needed and I told her I was over my hours. I didn't have to come that morning I just liked helping. She said I didn't have to stay but she would love it if I did stay, but to be honest about what I wanted to do. I'd been feeling sick anyways and headed on home. I hope everyone has fun at the race!

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