Thursday, September 24, 2009

Race numbers

At 12:30 I went to the Boise Center on the Grove and signed in as a volunteer. They gave me a lovely small lime green shirt with this year's logo on it. I made my way through the different vendors and in the very back of the building was a large room filled with people dressed like me. I took over for a nice older lady checking in people to get their race numbers. She ran me through the process and what all the different coloured marks meant. It was pretty simple. The other lady's replacement came and the two of us took numbers checked of names and directed people elsewhere. It was very cold in the room so we took turns doing laps around the building through the warm crowds. Along the way we may have found a tasty treat or two.
There were women from all over checking into our stand. One woman from Minnasota was very excited to be here. She had heard about the race by ear and had been wanting to do it for a few years. She and her mother were coming to do it but a couple days back her mother hurt herself and couldn't come so the daughter came by herself. She was still really thrilled to be here. She said Boise was really laid back and everyone was super friendly. I never really thought of Boise as friendly. I didn't think of it as unfriendly either but I have seen friendlier. Anyways while today's volunteer work wasn't very busy or active it was still enjoyable.

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