Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First day of volunteering

Yesterday was interesting. I hadn't received a confermation e-mail with my schedule yet from the woman's celebration office and I waited a couple weeks. I know they are very busy and things are hectic right now so I waited. I remembered I had signed up for race number labeling on a monday because I remember being concerned if it was going to overlap into when my bible study is. So after I got out of class I walked to the main office in the northend to see what time is started. I got there and they told me it would start at 5pm over at a location on shoreline drive. So I got to walk back to the area where I had just came from. I talked to a coordinator in the main office and my schedule had been sent to an incorrect email. I'm glad that got sorted out.
I got a little lost going to the shoreline location and unfortunatly was about 10 minutes late. I hate being late. It says so much about a person. I got there and dove headfirst into labeling. It was repetitive but still intersting. I labeled 500 race numbers. There are people coming from all over to run this race. I had people coming from Yamika Washington, Oregon, and Tuscan Arizona. I had someone tell me there was someone coming from West Virginia. I knew this fundraiser was big but I didn't realize how far people would be coming from. Also the woman that were in charge of the event last night were very nice. They gave us chocolate!

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